Édition du 28 janvier 2025

Une tribune libre pour la gauche québécoise en marche

Eitan Bronstein Aparicio

Eitan was born in Argentina in 1960 and at the age of five migrated to Israel. He served in the Israeli army and refused three times to serve as a reserve soldier in Lebanon and the West Bank. Bronstein has been in the field of political education for almost 30 years. In 2001 he established Zochrot - a Tel Aviv based organization and was its director until 2011. Eitan has four kids and lives in Tel Aviv. He holds an M.A in Hermenautics from Bar Ilan University.


Articles (1)


redaction @ pressegauche.org

Québec (Québec) Canada

Presse-toi à gauche ! propose à tous ceux et celles qui aspirent à voir grandir l’influence de la gauche au Québec un espace régulier d’échange et de débat, d’interprétation et de lecture de l’actualité de gauche au Québec...